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Education & support
for charitable networks

Forward thinking federated charities, membership bodies, foundation and grant making organisations are turning to Getting on Board to help their network with open recruitment and diversifying their boards.


Greater board diversity moves towards more robust governance, better decision making and a fairer society.

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How we help your organisation


To date, we have helped scores of federated charities, membership bodies, foundation and grant making organisations to improve board diversity and establish clear open recruitment processes including Heritage Alliance, Home Start and Findacure, The Chartered Governance Institute, Women's Aid and Team London.


"I came away with half my workload done!"


Charity participant

Our standard suite of services for charitable organisations can be accessed by all umbrella organisations alongside the bespoke options below.


Bespoke workshops

Getting on Board can create bespoke versions of our open webinar series tailored to your organisation's needs. 


All our trainers are highly trained experts in their field and deliver webinars that are regularly praised for being engaging, informative and easy to understand. All participants are provided with materials and resources following the sessions, and there is time for questions at the end. 


Our webinar series currently comprises three different topics essential for boards:


  • How to Recruit Trustees for your Charity Board

  • How to Diversify your Trustee Board

  • The Onboarding: induction training for newly appointed trustees

One hour bespoke workshop


Two hour bespoke workshop


A Man and a Woman looking at a Design

Inclusion Training: adapting board behaviours to equip new trustees to contribute fully

Recruiting for greater trustee diversity is not enough. We also need to focus on inclusion to retain and make the most of the talent and benefits that different perspectives and experiences bring to the board.


1.5 hours online facilitated training. Delivered by a Getting on Board governance and inclusion expert.



Inclusion training, including preparatory call 


Recruiting Trustees Masterclass

The Recruiting Trustee Masterclass offers practical and expert help in setting up a clear step-by-step standarised recruitment process for your organisations that you can use immediately and that they will be able to revisit with each future round of recruitment. 


The Recruiting Trustees Masterclass is only available to umbrella organisations such as federations, member organisations, voluntary groups and networks. Each masterclass is exclusively for your members and tailored to their organisational needs. This can be delivered in one face-to-face session or as separate online sessions.


Each masterclass comprises five-hours and includes:

  • An interactive format that keep participants engaged throughout

  • Non-judgement dialogue around existing concerns and challenges 

  • Time built in for questions throughout the day

  • A deep dive critique of live ads – what works and why

  • Time to work on your real time ads

  • Making your interview process fit for purpose


Recruiting Trustees face to face Masterclass


Recruiting Trustees online Masterclass series


Image by Scott Graham

Trustee recruitment consultancy

We believe that the best way to engage with open recruitment and board diversity is to join our Transform programme and work alongside other organisations so that you charities can benefit from one another's experiences. However we recognise that some charities have specific needs they want to address. 


In addition to services below we can run our Transform programme as a closed group exclusive to your network.


Our consultants can also work with you to create bespoke trustee recruitment templates for your network including:

  • Template trustee adverts all of your members or branches can adapt

  • Checklist templates for shortlisting

  • Bespoke set of interview questions relevant to your network 

  • An induction pack for all new trustees

  • Opportunity for Getting on Board expert to sit on your interview panel


This service is currently fully remote.




Trustee Recruitment Consultancy


Image by Christina @

Boardfinder Fair

Getting on Board can host a bespoke Boardfinder fair at a location of your choice, exclusively for your members and invitees. Your members will meet a wide range of exciting and impressive charities who are actively searching for trustees. The Boardfinder Fair is a dynamic and fully interactive event which is currently delivered remotely.


Two hour Boardfinder Fair with up to 10 charities


Two hour Boardfinder Fair with up to 20 charities


Image by Headway
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