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Resources for aspiring trustees

If you are looking for help becoming a trustee, you're in the right place. Our resources will help you find a perfect trusteeship. 

What does a trustee do?

​Trustees of charity boards are the final decision-makers.


They have oversight of all the charity’s decisions and to set  the charity's direction.


Trustees offer the executive strategy, scrutiny, and support. 


Being a trustee varies a lot, depending on the size of your charity. 


Watch our video for a one-minute introduction.

Can I become a trustee?

In all likelihood, yes! The vast majority of people over 18 can become charity trustees (over 16 if the charity is incorporated).


There are no formal qualifications or levels of experience that you have to gain before you join a charity board and you don’t need to wait to be asked. The most important attribute is passion. 


A very small number of people are automatically disqualified from being charity trustees. These conditions are listed in the Charity Commission’s guidance.


Getting on Board's How to Become a Trustee Guide is the ideal place to start with information and practical steps on how to start your trusteeship journey today.

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Why should I become a trustee?​

Trustees are exposed to a wide range of skills needed to oversee a charity: strategy and business planning, governance, HR, finance, marketing, fundraising, evaluation, property law and more. It can be an effective way to build your skills and your CV. 


Becoming a trustee could boost your career

As a trustee, you can donate your skills, time and attention to a cause you love.
Trustees are often drawn to a charity because they’re passionate about a particular cause, whether that’s something they're interested in or something they've experienced themselves.

Become a trustee and give back to your community
Become a trustee and share your skills, knowledge and experience

Everyone has something unique to offer a charity. Use our resource bank of templates and resources to help you identify your strengths. 

Woman with Crossed Arms
Accessible Workspace

Where do I find a trustee position? 

There are several ways of finding trustee vacancies including looking on:


  • Charity social media - it's a good idea to follow all those that inspire you

  • Charity newsletters - sign up to all the charities in which you have an interest

  • Local noticeboards or newspapers

  • Local councils - check their websites for information

  • Community Voluntary Services CVS where local charities and community groups come together


Trustee vacancy adverts

There are also a range of specific website dedicated to advertising trustee positions. Getting on Board also regularly advertises positions on social media and in a monthly list. 


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