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Praise for last year's Festival of Trusteeship


If you were one of those who came in 2023, we hope you enjoyed it as much as these attendees did:


"I'm still reeling from how good the sessions were that I managed to attend live, and have already plotted which recordings I want to listen to. The organisation of the 2023 Festival seemed even better than last year, but the topics, the panellists and the discussions beat even that smooth functioning. Loved the daily email's with links, too."


"I am so grateful for this festival, the price made so inclusive, the sessions were easy to follow and support was given at any time, technical as well as advice for trusteeship."


"The content was quite relevant to a new trustee. I was looking for recruitment tips (which I got thank you!) and how to engage more with the partners who support the charity."


Thank you to our sponsors

Our special thanks goes to Ecclesiastical whose generous sponsorship has meant we were able to keep the festival sessions affordable (and some sessions free) for three fantastic years.​​​​​​​​​​​

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